Thursday, April 9, 2009

04/04/09- The Four Victorians

MarG gave me these pictures of the 4 Victorians taken by professionals. And although I have posted so many of them already, I feel like I should do it again because money was paid for these. In any case, they are all going to be changed, hopefully quite drastically so here they are, in immortality, the BEFORE pictures by professionals:





Thursday, March 12, 2009

22/02/08- The Four Victorians

This post was made in my other blog on 22/2/09 when I was given the Great News.

MARJ has just delivered a most supercilliousbabeliciousincrediblyamazing piece of great news. Her company (the same one who did the event of the 4 dollhouses), has just held an AGM where their shareholders have passed a resolution, amongst many others, to NOT sell the 4 dollhouses. Instead (I have to savour this), they, (the 4 dollhouses, I mean, including the massive Queen Anne) will, be, (O dear , so excited I have to pee) given, to , ME .

I am so overwhelmed with the news, I am still reeling backwards, forward and sideways. Such superb timing! Godsend, Gobsmacked, Goodie, Goodie, Goodie!

Now where shall we start, probably with the Victorian Cottage Jr aka "termited" house below.

Of course, I am already drowning everyone with ideas and they all looked decidedly worried (except MarJ whom I have invited to help rebuild all 4 houses with me. And just as we type, MarJ is x-stitching the Turkoman rug I started in Day 29. )

It is unlikely (in fact, there is no way) I am replacing the Maharajah's Palace with any of the dollohouses which are all Victorian in architecture. I must say though the Princess Anne above can be transformed into an old colonial smokehouse in British India..nahh.

I really need to change all the colours of the exteriors. Need to find someone who loves sandpapering dollhouses and yes, we need to start a new blog or rather 4 new blogs..

I will keep on making things for the Maharajah's Palace and will want to meet Rajiv and his team and all the archi models I posted on Day 30 very soon. There's of course, Sumaiya's dolls so no rest for the wicked, Sumaiya :):):) cos there's definitely no stopping my India train. It's just that now, I will be kept bz bz bz while I await the building of my palace.

MarJ, if you are reading this, YOU are now my favourite person in the whole house!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

21/12/08-The Four Victorians

This is a very belated posts but I have just got the pictures from Faizz so here they are, the Four Victorians at the exhibition on its last day, 21/12/08:

My Queen Anne-

Maid Anne is standing outside the house quite apart from the group of snow carollers to the right of the mansion:

"Alison" House with her reindeers:

Victorian Farmhouse Junior peeking from behind "Alison":

Princess Anne with the train:

My favourite : Farmhouse Junior which is also a lake house:

I really don't mind having a small house by the lake with the music of a nearby carousel floating through the night chills and settling in my cosy home.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

31/1/09-Queen Anne

I didn't think anyone will be too interested in this 1 entry blog. Thank you Erika for this award! And thank you to Living, Daisy and Meli for your encouraging words.

I will post the bloggers I pass the award to on this page in due course.